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Credits: The Match Game, The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield, Spree, The Girl Can't Help It."Mansfield, who made no secret of her many affairs, denied knowing LaVey intimately. according to publicist, Mansfield would ridicule her Satanic suitor by calling from her Los Angeles home and seductively teasing him while her friends listened in on the conversation. LaVey’s public claims that he had an affair with Mansfield began only after Mansfield’s death in an automobile accident, which he also claimed was the result of a curse he had placed on her lover, Sam Brody."

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According to sources, Mansfield was not above tormenting the obsessed Satanist: (Who can forget that shot of Sophia Loren side-eyeing Mansfield's prominent cleavage?). The blonde bombshell had countless lovers and erotic romps, and was even rumored to have been a mistress of JFK. But her most notorious association was with Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. Next to Mae West, Jayne Mansfield is probably more associated with racy and fabulous good times than any other actress in Hollywood history.

  • Credits: Lifeboat, Fanatic, The Daydreamer, Stage Door Canteen, A Royal Scandal.
  • (Since she also claimed five hundred or more conquests, perhaps she wasn’t always so picky.) One of Tallulah’s party tricks was to escort guests to the master bedroom, fling back the covers from the bed in which Emery was sleeping, and crow, 'Did you ever see a prick as big as that before?'” Best of all, he bore a marked resemblance to John Barrymore, and not only in profile: years earlier, when Barrymore revealed himself to her in his dressing room, Tallulah had sworn to herself (and anyone within earshot) never to sleep with any man who wasn’t 'hung like Barrymore,' and went on to claim that she had stuck to her word. Emery was good-looking, capable, and amiable. "a second-rank actor named John Emery, whom Tallulah had picked up on the summer circuit and, rather casually, married. One of many memorable anecdotes, as recounted by The New Yorker, involved:

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    Actor-writer Emlyn Williams described her voice as "steeped as deep in sex as the human voice can go without drowning," and her appetites were legion. Credits: Gone with the Wind,A Streetcar Named Desire,Ship of Fools,Waterloo Bridgeīeautiful, rebellious, witty, and not afraid to occasionally alienate people by speaking her mind, Tallulah Bankhead was a one-of-a-kind sex symbol.The less-than-virtuous Olivier gave her the boot, and married Leigh soon after. Leigh and Olivier hooked up, despite the fact that his spouse, actress Jill Esmond, was pregnant. Olivier, too, was already married, but that didn't stop Leigh from following him and his wife to where they were vacationing in Capri. people were to be cast by the wayside in those early days, until she achieved what she really wanted." "Went to see in a play, and declared, 'that's the man I'm going to marry.' And a friend of hers who was with her had to point out 'well, actually you're already married.' But this was all part of this ruthless ambition. According to one of the many documentaries made about her, Leigh But success - and her notoriously volatile marriage to Sir Laurence Olivier - didn't come easily, or ethically. Best known for (splendidly) bringing both Scarlett O'Hara and Blanche DuBois to life, Vivien Leigh was also known for her intensity and her beauty.

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